Getting started

The first thing the setup wizard is going to want to do is collect some information about the user of the Aethera application.

The Setup Wizard

The first thing the setup wizard is going to want to do is collect some information about the user of the Aethera application.

Then the application will ask you the directory where it should store it's data and for the directory where you plan to place the Aethera plug in that you will download from the net.

For a big number of emails (aprox. 10000) the information might exceed 50 Mb. Make sure you have enough free space on that partition.

If you are a Linux user probably you will choose some directory in your /home directory. If are a Windows user the choice if not really so difficult because the Windows security system is less restrictive.

You choose the folder by clicking on the folder icon next to the text input line. Choose the folder the the dialog presented to you.

Some plug in for Aethera are not free so make sure you choose a folder that only you have access to if you don't plan to share your plug ins with other users of Aethera.

Because Aethera originated from a email client the email plug in is at it's core. So you will next have the choose the incoming mail account.

You can customize this later in the settings dialog invoked from the File -> Settings menu

Now you can configure bet wean a local, POP3 and IMAP4 mail box. IMAP is the most sophisticated protocol and allows you to leave your email on the server and organize it there. There are some limitations of IMAP because of the Aethera implementation so in this regard POP3 is a safe bet.

The next setup pane will depend on your protocol choice.

The next step is to configure SMTP for the outbound mail. The inbound and outbound servers can be different. It is not uncommon to have multiple inbound mail accounts and servers and a single SMTP outbound server.

The finish message will tell you that the configure part is over.

A splash screen you precede the Aethera application.
